Sunday, October 4, 2009


The goal is to have part of the roof done to protect for winter. We need to get the tongue and groove on with the tar paper. it goes.
This is the roof from the inside. This is what our ceiling will look like. I think it is beautiful.

Here is the outside (obviously). On top will go tar paper, insulation and then a metal roof.

This is the front entrance

This is what I love about this project. This time of year is beautiful up in the mountains. The bright sun on the changing colors. The air is fresh and the weather is crisp. I can hardly wait to sit on my porch and read a book in October up here. Then you can go snuggle up by a warm fire. Maybe in about 2 years. (:
OK so it is not New England but this is not too shabby. I love the changing leaves. We just need to figure out how to get some red up here. There is a little but none on our land. We love our little slice of heaven. It is great to get away from the TV and phones even if it is just for a few days.

1 comment:

  1. Hey guys,

    Please please please post more pictures of your roof construction as you go along. I love the look of tongue and's what we are going to do. We are using planed rafters and not logs -- although I must say I like the look of the log rafters. I am particularly interested in what comes on top of the tar paper as I haven't seen that part of the build process yet.


