Saturday, August 22, 2015

Bird's Eye View

My buddy came up to the cabin this weekend to help and brought his drone.  Here are some pics he took from up in the air.  Great perspective.

From 200 feet

From 400 feet

From 600 feet

From 800 feet

From 1000 feet

Friday, August 14, 2015

Unique Experience

It's not every day you catch a hummingbird.  This is the second one I've caught inside my cabin.  But it's the only one of which I have any photographic evidence.

Stairs (continued)

Stairs are pretty challenging if you have never done it before.  It's taken me a while to figure these out, but I think I've finally gotten it.  The trick was to turn it 90 degrees, butt it up against the main beam, and then tie into the floor at the correct spot.

Inclement Weather

At 9,300 feet, weather can be harsh, even in May and June.